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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Top 5 easy tips and tricks to make money from YouTube step by step


Top 5 easy tips and tricks to make money from YouTube step by step

Most people know that you can make money from YouTube. And it is true that you can make money through YouTube. But for that you have to work hard and be patient. You also need to create and set up your YouTube channel very well.

This way you can make money online from your youtube channel and choose that youtube channel as your business. So read this whole article carefully because in this article we will discuss about the 5 easiest tips and tricks to make money from youtube and money making tips. And you will know all the tips and tricks step by step about this.

1. Create your own channel on YouTube:

The first and most important step in making money from YouTube is to create your own YouTube channel. Because if you want to work by accessing this YouTube platform, you must have your own YouTube channel. Because you can earn money through this youtube channel.

You can upload any video you want to your YouTube channel. But make sure that the videos uploaded to your YouTube channel are informative and of good quality. This means that people benefit from watching those videos and your visitors get the information they need from your videos.

In addition, if they like the content you create, then they will watch more videos from your YouTube channel and subscribe to your channel. Doing so will make it easier for you to earn money from your YouTube channel. So first of all you have to create a professional YouTube channel very well.

2. Upload standard videos to YouTube channel:

You can't earn money on YouTube just by creating your own channel. For this you need to upload videos to your youtube channel, but they have to be standard. Because uploading quality videos is a very important issue for a YouTube channel.

Because if you don't upload quality videos to your youtube channel, no viewers will come to that channel. Now you may be wondering, what kind of video does quality video mean? Listen, then, quality videos are videos that contain a little bit of information about something that people can watch to meet their needs.

There are many YouTube channels that do not have any kind of information in the videos and people do not like those videos, so they can not be successful on YouTube, and can not make money. So this issue is important.

3. To increase viewers or subscribers to YouTube channel:

If you want to make huge money easily from YouTube then you must increase the viewers and subscribers of your channel. Because as I told you before, making money from YouTube is done through Google Adsense earning and know some adsense approval tips.

And you know that after Google ads are shown in your video, the more people see those ads or click on those ads, the more money you will earn. In order to increase the number of viewers and subscribers to another YouTube channel, you must follow some important things, such as:

More and more people need to share your channel. That means you can use Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and many other social media platforms to share the channel.

The video should use interesting and unique thumbnails, so that people click on the video after seeing the thumbnails of that video.

The channel should always upload interesting videos so that people can watch the entire video.

4. Need to turn on monetization on youtube channel:

The fourth important step is the monetization of the YouTube channel. Monetization is an activity that involves showing ads on videos on your YouTube channel. And these ads are shown either through Google Adsense or on behalf of Google Adsense and as a result you earn money. So to monetize your YouTube channel you need to apply to Google Adsense approval.

But it's not as easy as you think. Because if you want to, you can't apply to Google Adsense to monetize your YouTube channel. Before you can apply for monetization with Google AdSense, you must meet certain important requirements of Google AdSense, then you will have the opportunity to apply. 

Here are some of the important ones•••

  • First of all you have to have at least 1000 subscribers on your YouTube channel.
  • You must have a minimum of 4,000 hours of watchtime on your YouTube channel. This means that the watch time of all the videos uploaded to your channel should be 4000 hours together.
  • There will be no copyright strikes or copyright claims on the YouTube channel. This means that a video or part of a video made by someone else can never be used in your own video. This is mainly due to copyright strikes and claims.
  • If you fulfill all the above conditions well, you can apply for monetization with Google Adsense. After applying, the official team of Google Adsense will review your channel.
  • If after reviewing they think your channel is ready for monetization, they will approve your channel and from then on your video will show AdSense ads. And if visitors see those ads or click on those ads, you will earn money from Adsense. So you have to complete this step very well.

5. How To Make Money From YouTube:

You know, to monetize YouTube, you have to apply for monetization with Google Adsense. Because this will show ads in the videos of your channel and you will earn money. But the thing is, where will your earned money be? In fact, this money will continue to be added to your Google AdSense account. 

Thus, when your AdSense account is full of 10$, then you need to do Identity verification in your AdSense account. And a letter from AdSense will be sent to the address you provided when you created the AdSense account, which will contain a PIN code for that visit. 

With that PIN code you need to complete your address verification. Then when your AdSense is 100$ full you will have to give your bank account details. The money you earn will then be transferred to your bank account.

My opinion

The tips and tricks that you have been given in this article, if you want to make money from YouTube, you must follow every subject very well.

Last words

Hopefully, if you follow the tips and tricks of the article and work on YouTube, you can easily earn money from here. If you like the article, you must share it and if you have any questions related to YouTube, you can let us know in the comments. Thanks to everyone for reading this article.



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